1760PA/AC-DC-Струјна клешта и дигитален мултимер

1760PA/AC-DC-Струјна клешта и дигитален мултимер

Шифра: 017600000
Струјна клешта и дигитален мултимер техничка спецификација : DC напон : 0.1mV - 600V AC напон : 0.1mV - 600V AC струја : 0.01A -1000A DC струја : 0.01A - 1000A Отпор : 0.1 О- 40 ОM Капацитативност : 0.001nF - 40 µF Фреквенција : 0.001kHz - 4kHz Температура: -40°C - 1000 °C
Restart protection: prevents unintentional start-up after power supply interruption
Universal table saw with basic equipment
Ideal for sawing squared timber, boards, panels and wood-like materials in the workshop and at construction sites
Quiet induction motor with motor brake and overload protection - maintenance-free and robust.
Universal guide with magnetic guide for precise straight cuts and mitre cuts
Freely height-adjustable saw blade
Comfortable setting of the saw blade inclination from the front
Sturdy, powder-coated sheet steel design and galvanised table-top
Foldable table length extension
Frame and motor pre-mounted
High torque three motor